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  • #1395442

    Hey there,

    i found the acticle “How to change the standard Bullet Points to a custom .PNG image?”
    and it worked.
    But: Die Icon is above the Text.
    It should be next to the Text.
    my code:

    .avia_textblock.bullets li:before {
    content: url(;
    .avia_textblock.bullets ul {
    list-style: none;

    .entry-content-wrapper li {
    margin-left: 1.5em !important;


    on my end your code looks good to me – but you can shift those icons by postitioning them:

    .avia_textblock.bullets li::before {
      content: url(;
      position: relative;
      top: 5px;

    Thasnk you! That works


    and how can i change the Size of my custom icon?
    Its too big now.

    thank you!


    Hi Monika,

    You’ll need to change the size of the image using image editors (like photoshop or use online image editors).

    If you don’t want to use resize it using an image editor then an option with be to use this code instead:

    .avia_textblock.bullets li {
        position: relative;
        padding-left: 20px;
    .avia_textblock.bullets li:before {
        content: '';
        background: url( center;
        background-size: contain;
        display: block;
        width: 12px;
        height: 15px;
        position: absolute;
        left: 0;
        top: 8px;

    Best regards,

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