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  • #193917

    Hi Kreisi,
    I’m using Enfold theme for a website and I have a problem with custom permalinks.
    I have installed WPML plugin for the translation of my site.
    I see when I save new configuration in “Enfold theme options” – for example I update the social icons, in header section – then my site pages don’t work anymore, but I have a 404 error page instead of the contents – only homepage and posts work properly.
    For fix the problem I found a solution, I have to change my .htaccess permission to 666 instead of 644, remove foreigner languages and I have to leave only the default language – I have 3 languages at all – change custom permalinks to default and save it.
    Then I switch again from default to custom permalinks – I use /%postname%/ – add all foreigner languages again and save it.
    Finally I can change the permission of .htaccess from 666 to 644 and my problem is solved.
    Btw I wish for the new theme update you can find a solution for this problem, or if you already know, how to solve my specific one!
    Great job!



    Hi marcella-metae!

    Please try to add following code to the theme functions.php file – it should solve the issue

    add_action('init','deactivate_avia_flush', 10);
    function deactivate_avia_flush(){
    remove_action('wp_loaded', 'avia_flush_rewrites');


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