How can i custom load my portfolio titles, is there a way to do this?
I want to randomly load a portfolio post and display it in my website so i can give it a custom web URL
Hi Benjaminlivingthebrand!
Can you elaborate please? I am not sure if i understood you clearly
Best regards,
I want to load in a blog post the titles of my portfolio items.
So i have 4 portfolio posts and i need the php source code to load in the titles that i use in my portfolio area.
Thank you for using the theme. I hope you’re doing great.
I’m really sorry but that is a bit unclear for us. I’m not sure if I understand you clearly. Maybe, a screenshot will help.
Best regards,
So i have some portfolio entrees. The client is adding more and more portfolio items over time and deleting old ones. I need to hav the code that i can load the titles of the portfolio items.
Like loading one title of the porftolio into my content
So you’d like to have a shortcode to loop the portfolio items, but to only show the title?
haha yes :>
You can still use the portfolio grid element then add this on Quick CSS or custom.css to remove the grid image or featured thumbnail:
.grid-image.avia-hover-fx {
display: none;