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  • #445143


    I’ve set up a testimonial section on the home screen at the bottom, that uses the half screen layout option. There are 16 testimonials but I need to only show 4 at a time and have an option to scroll down to view the rest. I’ve already set up the color section height but just need to know how to make a ID and where to put it so this will scroll. Thank you


    Also, is there a way in the Full Width slider that we can change the frame color ( background box behind text) of the captions?



    Thank you for using Enfold.

    1.) I”m sorry but it’s not possible to add a scroll function in the testimonial element. You can use the slider but it only show one testimonial item at a time.

    2.) You can do something like this in the Quick CSS field:

    .avia_transform .av_slideshow_full ul li:nth-child(1) .avia-caption-title {
      background: rgba(255,255,255,.5);
    .avia_transform .av_slideshow_full ul li:nth-child(2) .avia-caption-title {
      background: rgba(0,6,255,.5);

    The code should change the first and second slide caption background.


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