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  • #1316086

    Hi there.

    I want to customize one text sector and one specific button in a segment.

    The following code should be working on it. I have copied from a other site, whrer it looks like i want it.

    .avia-button:not(.avia-cookie-consent-button) {
    1. font-size: 22px!important;

    style attribute {
    1. font-size: 22px;
    2. color: #ffffff;

    But when i use the css, the code is shown on all attributes like that. I only want it for one specific sector. How can i make it via the custom id and how should the css code looks like?

    The link to my site is in the private content sector (and also the login-data). I also addes a link to a site from which i have the code and i also wanted the same green section with call to action links to the product page.

    • This topic was modified 3 years, 7 months ago by Tobias777G.

    Hey Tobias777G,

    Which button in particular are you trying to target?

    Best regards,


    Hi Ismael i mean the button “Google My Business Eintrag erstellen / Local SEO” above the comment section on as example. How can i manage a font size 20… the font actually is too small. Can you give me a css code global for all buttons and some with custom id for adjust only one?


    .postid-1307 #av_section_10 .avia_iconbox_title {
        font-size: 20px;

    Thanks Guenni007.
    And how can i change it that it works for all and not only one?


    in dem Fall würde ich dann doch diesen buttons eine custom-class zuordnen.
    Das geht über das Element selbst, wähle den Tab: Advanced an , und dann trage eine für dich sinnvolle Klasse mit Wiedererkennungswert ein ;)
    Diese benutzerdefinierte Klasse erscheint am wrapper des Buttons, sodaß der selector dann folgender wäre:

    .avia-button-wrap.custom-class .avia_iconbox_title {
    	font-size: 20px;

    das : custom-class ersetzt du bitte mit deiner benutzerdefinierten klasse.
    PS: in das Eingabefeld wird die Klasse ohne Punkt davor eingegeben.


    Works fine. thank alot.


    Hi Tobias777G,

    Great, I’m glad that you got it working. Thanks @guenni007 for helping out :-)

    Best regards,

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