Tagged: color section, CSS, height
I would like to have a color section that is about 90% of the height of the screen. There are these options where I can change from 25 to 50 to 75% but is there a way to create on that is 90%? I would also consider changing eg. the 25% to 90% because I dont us that one in my project.
Thanks for your help
reagards martin
Hi edfaber!
You can set a custom height in pixels, if that doesn’t work for you, you could assign the section a unique id and we can help you out with some custom CSS. Please link to the site in question if you should require further help.
Best regards,
I have the same problem. Can you please provide such custom CSS?
Thank you!
Regards, Matthias
Did you try to set a custom height in pixels? Please link to your website so we can have a closer look.
Yes, but the problem is that I would like to have the same appearance of my starting webpage. It should look the same on each single device, even if the settings of the monitor are different. With a height in percentage I can achieve this. With a heigt in pixcel this is not accurate because it will not change in the same manner.
Therefore please provide custom css.
Regards, Matthias