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  • #1336248

    Hey guys

    We have now built over 10 websites on Enfold theme, and we’re happy about it.
    Today I’ve encountered a new problem with a new website where custom font specified under Enfold > General Styling > Fonts > Heading Font is displayed correctly on a Mac in different browsers, but it’s showing as the same default font on several Windows PCs (using different browsers), and it also failing on Apple iPad Safari and Chrome, Apple iPhone Safari and Chrome.

    I’ve tried to use different custom fonts as Playfair Display, Merriweather and Oswald, and they all look different on a Mac, but at the same time they all look completely the same on a Windows PC.

    There’s no caching, and test is always made in (Google Chrome) Incognito mode.

    Enfold version:
    PHP version: 8.0.13

    Please advise.

    See links under “Private Content” for more info.

    • This topic was modified 3 years, 1 month ago by WebVision.

    Hey Max,

    Thank you for the inquiry.

    Do you accept the privacy cookies on every devices or browsers? Please note that the font will not load if the required cookies are not enabled or accepted, same goes with external services such as maps and videos. You have to open the privacy modal window, toggle the buttons for external services including Google fonts and accept the cookies. But if you want them to load automatically without user consent, you have to set the Enfold > Privacy & Cookies > Cookie Handling > Default Cookie Behavior to the first or second option.

    Best regards,


    Hey Ismael

    Yes, I do accept the cookies every time (at least here in the developing phase).

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 1 month ago by WebVision.

    Apparently, our settings were set to not accept any cookies at all, and that resulted in this issue.
    For now, we have disabled the cookie banner completely and when we need to work on it again, we’ll know what settings we should be looking at.

    Case closed :)

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 1 month ago by WebVision.


    Great, I’m glad that you found the problem, and thanks for the update. I’ll go ahead and close this thread for now then, please open a new thread if you should have any further questions or problems.

    Best regards,

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