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  • #1243752


    since latest enfold update the custom font mager is not working properly.
    If we upload a google font it gets installed as “static” and if we try to upload another font it replaces the font uploaded before.

    View post on

    Hope you can provide a fix for this.

    Thanks in advance.

    Kind Regards,


    you’re not alone. We have the same problem with the custom icons upload. As soon as you upload a new icon pack the older custom icons are replaced by the newer ones. Just to be clear: The file names are different.
    And, as far as I’ve seen there’s another user with problems regarding custom fonts and icons ->

    I hope there’ll be an update or a workaround


    yes, I tried to upload about three or four different fonts and every upload replaced the one before.
    Never had such issues before 4.7.3.
    Hope they will provide a fix very soon.



    Dear Kriesi support,
    it’s been about nearly a week since one of your customers mentioned that there are problems with the custom font manager (see
    Sebastian and I have the same problem that new fonts / icons replace customs fonts / icons which were previously uploaded.

    Just for your information:
    My site is not online, we create it in an offline environment.
    WordPress 5.4.2
    PHP 7.3 (latest)

    I would be very happy if someone could check that problem and provide a fix or a workaround.

    Best regards,



    Thank you for the update.

    yes, I tried to upload about three or four different fonts and every upload replaced the one before.

    We could not reproduce the error on our installation (screenshot below). What is the exact name of the font that you are trying to use, and where did you get it? Please note that only fonts from Google are allowed in the font manager, and you have to upload each font one at a time — uploading group or font sets will not work.


    Best regards,


    Hello Ismael,
    thanks for your reply.

    Regarding FONTS:
    I just ran several tests with fonts and icons on my offline test development system (configuration see above).
    For my test I’ve uploaded the following Google Fonts:

    I upload every zip file one by one.
    What I found out so far is that if you upload the original google fonts zip file, enfold overwrites every previously uploaded font which seems to be because the zip file from google contains a folder named “static”. If you extract the folder “static” and rename it to for example Roboto and zip it again to “” enfold recognizes it correctly. Otherwise enfold only names every new uploaded font as “static” which leads to a replacement by every new uploaded font.

    Regarding ICONS:
    I got my icons from flaticon. Same as fonts: Upload one by one and only a single icon not a big icon pack.
    A zip file from flaticon contains the following file:
    and flaticon.html.

    When I upload an icon zip file (e.g. “”) enfold creates a new icon font named: flaticon. As soon as I upload the next icon (e.g. “”) the “Font: flaticon” in the custom font manager flashes for a moment and the previous uploaded font gets replaced by the new one. Okay, when that happened I assumed that it was because every zip file from has an individual name (e.g. but the fonts itself are always named flaticon.filextension (see above).
    So I did like before with the google fonts, I changed the name from the files in the flaticon zip files, repacked them and reuploaded them. Same result as before: the “Font: flaticon” in the custom font manager flashes for a moment and the previous uploaded font gets replaced by the new one.
    I don’t know what causes enfold to always set the new uploaded icons to flaticon even when everything is renamed.

    Would be great if you could investigate this further.
    Best regards!


    Dear Kriesi support,
    I don’t intend to hurry anyone but I’d be very happy if someone could help me further with the mentioned problem regarding the custom font icons (see above).

    Best regards,



    Sorry for the delay. We are able to reproduce the issue on our installation, but we are not yet sure why it overrides the previous icon sets. You might have to upload all flaticon icons in a single collection temporarily until we found the issue.

    We’ll forward the issue to our channel. Thank you for your patience.



    Hi Ismael,
    thanks a lot for your reply.
    I’m glad to hear you were able to reproduce the error with the icons and are working on a bugfix.
    I’ll try the “work-around” for the moment by uploading the icons in a single collection like you recommended.

    Best regards,



    Thank you for the update.

    According to our developers, the name of the font set is based on the content of the svg file, so only one set can be uploaded if the collection is from flaticon because there seems to be no way of supplying a unique name for each set.

    Another workaround is to download the monocolored flaticon icons as svg, go to and upload the svg as custom icons. Before downloading the webfonts, make sure to use a different font name for it.

    Best regards,


    Hey Ismael,
    thanks so much for your reply.

    Another workaround is to download the monocolored flaticon icons as svg, go to and upload the svg as custom icons. Before downloading the webfonts, make sure to use a different font name for it.

    I went with your work-around and as far as I can tell at the moment: It works!

    Thanks again!

    Best regards,



    Glad it’s working. Please don’t hesitate to open a new thread should you have further inquiries. We’ll close this one now.

    Have a nice day.

    Best regards,

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