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  • #591402

    Hi Kriesi Team,

    During past months, I was using FontPress in order to show custom fonts in my website, but we found that this add-on might caused a problem to our website.

    So, would you please help me to know how could we show our desired font? How could we use custom font I mean
    (for instance, if you could take a look to the header of this page of my website + , in the Layerslider box, you can see the font is exactly the one we want to be in all of the pages. Although I knew how could I call it in Layerslider, but I don’t know how is it possible to use this font to all of my website pages)

    Thanks in advance


    so if its not a google font i think you had to use @font-face

    Edit: but the font is active in your site (Iran sans)
    what about:

    body {
        font-family: "IRANSans Regular" !important;


    input[type="submit"], h1, h4, h5, h3, h2 {
        font-family: "IRANSans Regular" !important;

    do not use multiple Fonts for your css rules like:

    input[type="submit"], h1, h4, h5, h3, h2 {
        font-family: "IRANSans Regular","HelveticaNeue","Helvetica Neue",Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif !important;

    so it will fallback got helvetica

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 12 months ago by Guenni007.

    Where should I put @font-face commands?

    (Right now, in my wp-content, I have created a folder -name: webfonts- and uploaded my desire font inside it)


    please try first the edited comment.

    edit: what do you have on Enfold Options / general options – there is an input field “Websafe fonts fallback for Windows”
    did you activate that ?


    I made the changes you said, still doesn’t work :)
    [it seems to be worked just on Microsoft Edge]


    hm on my browser it changes the font

    you see that the font is used – on the right side you see that the p tag inherited the font from body !


    Yes Guenni, but the font that you are seeing now is not “IRANSans Regular”.

    You may find this font in our Layerslider part in this page +

    Here is a picture for your reference:
    Number 1: IRANSan Regular font
    Number 2: maybe Arial font [but it is not what we would like to see :) ]


    :lol: where does the instruction with fontfamily come from in the origin ?

    the font named : “iransans” (and that you use in the layerslider as definition)

    so please try this:

    body {
        font-family: "iransans" !important;

    please be patiently with me, for me it looks all the same :wink

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 12 months ago by Guenni007.

    sorry – now i’m at the end of my زبان فارسی you have to wait for a moderator now


    Thank you Guenni, it worked!
    [I’m not sure where did the instruction with fontfamily name came from at first place, maybe it was related to the first add-on we used, FontPress.]

    But thanks again for your help :smile

    And dear moderators, may I know how this font could be also appeared in Contact fields?


    btw i tested it with generating web font files (woff …) and implement the file via custom.css.

    Is this the right font?

    i looked here :

    and made via font-squirrel the fonts you needed.


    Thank you Guenni, but actually no, it is not the right font. It looks like Tahoma font to me.


    have a look again – maybe i copied the wrong thing from your site. This is from your slider.

    try to go the way with your font

    it seems to be the best way.


    btw : isn’t it browser concerning. I thought of the primary language in my browser. When browsing to your site with a primary language e.g. German do i realy see those font-families? or do i look to a web save font?


    1. I’m not sure, but the font is still seems not okay in your website. (you could compare the font to the one in our website) But it is not important as my main problem is solved by your help.
    (btw: it doesn’t related to your browser language. Now, when you visit our website, you should see the font as like as we see in our own language)

    2.I’m just having a problem with using iransans font in contact fields. (as I’ve already showed that in an image)
    I have this code in my childtheme Style.css:

    @font-face {
    font-family: 'IRANSans';
    src: url('');
    src: url('') format('embedded-opentype'),
    url('') format('woff2'),
    url('') format('woff'),
    url('') format('truetype'),
    url('') format('svg');

    i think i child theme it does not work.
    You can place it in custom.css ( enfold/css/custom.css) that seems to be the better place.

    try this first:

    fieldset label {
        font-family: "IRANSans" !important;
    • This reply was modified 8 years, 12 months ago by Guenni007.

    I did what you said,
    Although fields names are now gets okay (thanks for that), but the inside texts is not typed in proper font.


    Any answer or confirmation from moderators would be appreciated :) [with thanks to Guenni]


    what about:

    fieldset .text_input, fieldset .text_area {
        font-family: "IRANSans" !important;

    doesn’t work


    any update from moderators? :)



    Sorry for the late reply! :)
    Do you mind posting FTP and admin logins here privately so we can look into it? Where have you uploaded your fonts?



    Hi Yigit,
    The problem is solved now. There was a mistake that I had made in quick css codes :)




    Great! Glad you and @Guenni007 solved it. :)

    Best regards,

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