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  • #555394

    we need MuseoSlab 500 Regular as heading font
    and MuseoSlab 300 as regular content font

    i have the font files

    please help to let me know how to do that
    since i am not good at code
    if i can give you my ftp access and font zip files
    could you please do me for that?

    and later could you tell me how you did
    so that next time i can do by myself

    thanks in advance.

    • This topic was modified 9 years, 3 months ago by paulchiao.

    Hi paulchiao,

    Here is a guide which might help:

    Best regards,


    can you help me? i am not good at coding? not technical guy
    I have child theme activated

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 2 months ago by paulchiao.


    To be honest I feel that you are asking a bit much and not being technical is not really an excuse, there are plenty of guides and answers online to help you out with this, but if you can’t do it yourself we’ll try to help you out. Send us the details we need in private. You might have to do this again at some point so I would suggest you at least try to do it yourself.




    i think you are not friendly to our clients, i am not techinical guy, and i already tried to find solutions in the net . finally i come back here to find some solution and help!

    how can you so unfriendly to us?
    what do you mean ” i asked a little bit much?”

    to be honest too
    i have few time to talk with someone like this

    if you feel you are boring with this kind of work, you can just left it behind

    please do not talk that words to hurt kriesi’s honest fans

    to be honest
    i had very good impress to kriesi and its team, but your words make me feel sick

    i tried do it by myself for several times and failed to work. then i come back to here for solution

    not everyone have plenty of time to post spam post here as you think

    best regards



    Please post WordPress admin logins, FTP access and custom font that you would like to use in private content field.



    Hi Yigit,

    we would like to change heading font to museo slab 500
    and content/body font to museo slab 300

    please refer to the information in private content
    1) font zip files
    2) ftp access

    thank you in advance for your support.

    Best regards,



    Changes are done.
    You can simply use font families by adding following code to Quick CSS in Enfold theme options under General Styling tab

    h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6 { font-family: 'museo_slab300'; }
    body { font-family: 'museo_slab500'; }

    change selectors as needed

    Best regards,


    Hi Yigit,

    thanks for your kind support

    Best regards,



    You are welcome Paul, glad we could help!
    Let us know if you have any other questions or issues and have a merry Christmas


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