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  • #1095337

    Hi guys!

    Quick questions on new functionality.

    1. What is the difference between Display selected page without redirect and Redirect to selected page? What redirect is it making reference to? (besides the variable that appears after the url on the second case?)

    2. Why would I exclude the Selected Custom Error 404 Page from Caching?

    Thank you!!



    Hey havi,

    ad 1) This has mainly SEO reasons. Without redirect replaces the page content and returns a 404 status. If this makes problems you can use the redirect, this returns a 404 and a 302 (redirect), which is not so SEO friendly.

    ad 2) As a 404 is an error situation it does not make sense to cache it ( – if the page is not directly accessible from outside).

    Best regards,


    Hi Gunter,

    I am not quite following you. Even though sending more than one HTTP status code is allowed, each browser may have a different reaction to it.

    A 404 page must return an HTTP 404 status code. Which Enfold option is that? Could you please match it to the text I see on Enfold? The text is not very descriptive.

    Also, is this trying to fix the HTTP 302 that a custom 404 page generates? That would be a great move. I don’t usually leverage custom 404 pages because of the incorrect

    Regarding the caching, I still don’t see the point in saving some cache action from my host. The point is lost on me.

    Best regards,




    Sorry if I did not express myself clear:

    “Display selected page without redirect” should work in most cases and returns a 404.

    If this makes problem (might be caused by plugins) you can use:

    “Redirect to selected page” which return a 302 as a redirect to the 404 page and 404 with the 404 page.

    Caching is a hint for not so expierienced users to think if it makes sense for them to cache the 404 page.

    Best regards,


    Thank you Gunther!

    So basically you guys fixed the 302 that would be generated by using a custom 404 page and are able to return the actual 404 with the first option.

    That is brilliant!

    BTW, for some reason I am not getting any more notifications from Enfold (not on spam folder either) or when there’s a new release. Any suggestions?





    Did you register the new Envato API private token in

    Dashboard -> Enfold -> Theme Update -> Enter a valid Envato private token ?

    Envato has changed the way to access updates and deprecated the old way.

    See documentation

    Best regards,

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 9 months ago by Günter.

    Hey Gunther!

    I have tried many times but I always find a link to create an API token for developers, not users. Also, nothing indicates which theme or plugin to pick or anything so I still have most of the old access on my client’s sites.

    I also don’t know how to do this when I have purchased licenses on behalf of my clients (then I have two licenses for Enfold) – how do I split these?



    Thank you for the update.

    Did you go to the “” page to generate a token? That token should cover every theme or item that you own. Make sure that you check the required permissions.

    View and search Envato sites (checked by default)
    View your Envato account username
    View your email address
    View your account profile details
    Download your purchased items
    Verify purchases of your item
    List purchases you’ve made

    Best regards,


    Hi Ismael!

    I created the token and it works!! (At least on one of the sites…) Does this work for all my plugins as well? Or is it an Enfold token-only?

    Thank you!!!

    Havi :)



    Glad it works. That token is only applicable for the themes that you own. Let us know if you need anything else.

    Have a nice day.

    Best regards,

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