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  • #195533

    I cannot understand what happened. I just was editing a website with enfold child theme. I lost all my customization suddenly in a moment. Is there a possibility to restore something from a backup?
    Cannot figure out the cause and while I’m writing these lines I cannot believe what happened…
    Thanks for support.


    Something strange happened.
    I watch too many “A” in the code……… why?
    something goes wrong with the code

    I was just editing theme like always. Something went wrong. Cannot understand why.
    Please, help me to restore as yesterday it was. I backed up the entire website yesterday evening.
    Many thanks!

    • This reply was modified 11 years, 3 months ago by Alessandro Marengo. Reason: link to the img

    Something worng happened after saving child theme options as I usually do. Mostly every day since 3 months… Cannot figure out to restore.


    Hi dalcnetsrl,

    Unfortunately there is nothing that we can do to restore anything on your server. Your best route to try and get a restoration would be to talk to your hosting provider and see if they have snapshots or can assist with whatever method you had previously used to backup.



    Hi devin!
    Cannot understand what happened. I could restore a backup of db and everything started working perfectly.
    Really strange, but it occured anyway… ;)

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