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  • #392028


    At the moemnt I’m using this code in my child functions.php

    `// post
    if (!class_exists(‘avia_customcptbox_post’)) {
    class avia_customcptbox_post extends avia_newsbox {
    function avia_customcptbox_post() {
    $this->avia_term = ‘nieuws_cat’;
    $this->avia_post_type = ‘nieuws’;
    $this->avia_new_query = ”; //set a custom query here
    $widget_ops = array(‘classname’ => ‘newsbox’, ‘description’ => ‘A Sidebar widget to display latest post entries in your sidebar’ );

    $this->WP_Widget( ‘customcptbox_post’, THEMENAME.’ Latest CPT Nieuws’, $widget_ops );
    register_widget( ‘avia_customcptbox_post’ );

    When I replace the custom taxonomy “nieuws_cat” with the standard category taxonomy the widget stops functioning.
    Any idea how to fix this?

    I don’t mind to use the custom taxonomy but then I would like to be able to hide this taxonomy category in the meta info beneath the post title.

    Best regards,


    Hey Arjan de Wit!

    Thank you for using Enfold.

    Please provide a link to the actual page with widget. The category beneath the post title should not be included by default.


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    This reply has been marked as private.


    Alright. Use this to hide the category:, .text-sep-cat {
    display: none;

    Best regards,



    I don’t want to hide the category completely. I want to hide “test” from showing up, but I still want to show “Publicatie” as a category.

    Best regards,



    Remove the code above then use this on the functions.php file:

    add_action('wp_footer', 'ava_remove_test', 10);
    function ava_remove_test(){
    	$(window).load(function() {
    		$( " a:contains('test')" ).css( "display", "none" );



    Seems like this solutions only works for “test”, but what if the testtax taxonomy contains multiple categories?

    It need to filter out a complete taxonomy not a category from this taxonomy (in this case test)


    Let’s get back to the real problem:

    This works:
    $this->avia_term = ‘nieuws_cat’;
    $this->avia_post_type = ‘nieuws’;

    This doesn’t work
    $this->avia_term = ‘category’;
    $this->avia_post_type = ‘nieuws’;

    I need the CPT widget to work with the category taxonomy and the cpt nieuws.


    But that widget doesn’t support custom post types…



    How many custom post types do you have? Try the solution provided here to create widgets for different custom post types:



    The solution mentioned in that topic (the topic I started!) is the solution I’m using right now.But I have to use a different taxonomy or else it won’t work. Which bring me back to the original question: is it possible to use a modified version of the Enfold latest News widget that supports custom post types AND the normal category taxonomy.


    Ok I found a solution.So this topic can be closed.

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