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  • #1148604

    With the latest build I’m experiencing an issue I was reading about in an earlier version that appears to have resurfaced – custom class names in the Developer tab are being “cleansed” to lower-case such that Quick CSS names do not match up with chosen custom class names. (If I should not be experiencing this, please let me know… I did not see it in the list of changes to come, listed in the thread above.) Note that I do not even have to enter a new class name for the name to be text-transformed to lowercase, this is happening to existing class names too… as I use camel-case religiously this immediately breaks every custom class I’ve ever created on pretty much every site I’ve got.

    As an example, while Quick CSS window I may have chosen outsideColumnFix as the class name, the element’s class name is being transformed to outsidecolumnfix and thus not being applied.

    Please advise, thanks!


    Can I get confirmation/acknowledgement that this issue is being looked at and/or if I shouldn’t be having this issue?



    Thank for the inquiry.

    It is now required to use lowercase in the custom css class field unless you’re using the “avf_save_string_translated” filter to return the unmodified version of the class name. Usage example can be found in the following link.


    Related thread:

    And according to the following style guides, it’s not recommended to use capital letters in your class or id names — always use lowercase.


    Of course, it’s not a rule but it is always advantageous to follow such guides.

    Best regards,

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