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  • #952952

    Hi friends, love the new custom 404 page editor option, and it was working flawlessly last week. However, now it seems to be conflicting with the Yoast SEO plugin. I can see my custom page when Yoast is deactivated, but when activated, only displays my site’s header, footer and no content in between.

    It seemed to work in an Enfold 4.3.0 / Yoast 7.3.0 environment. Now it’s Enfold 4.3.1 / Yoast 7.4.1, but nothing in either changelog seems (to me) like it would have caused the issue.

    Thanks in advance!


    Hey mediasauce,

    Thank you for using Enfold.

    Did you use the plugin’s redirect feature? Please provide the site url and the login credentials. We would like to check it.

    Best regards,


    I figured I would bump an old thread instead of creating a new one. I am having this issue as well. When I deactivate Yoast, the custom 404 page loads as expected. But with Yoast activated, it only loads the header and footer of the page. Was there a resolution for this issue? I’ll also add that the issue seemed to start happening after I made some other, unrelated changes to post permalinks in the admin and Custom Post Type plugin.

    ETA: I wasn’t able to get a response from anyone so I’ve gone ahead and switched SEO plugins from Yoast to SEOPress. So far so good.

    • This reply was modified 6 years ago by adambot. Reason: New information


    @adambot: Do you have the latest version of the theme (4.5.3)? Please provide a link to the site.

    Best regards,


    I can also confirm this exact issue.
    enfold: 4.5.3
    yoast: 9.5
    php 7.1

    UPDATE: A bit more info; these seems to be an issue with Enfold-Yoast together. I tried the 404 plugin below and disabled the Enfold 404. It still didnt work on my site with Enfold, but it did work on my site with another theme.

    • This reply was modified 6 years ago by ctadlock.

    Hi guys,

    Just chiming in with similar behavior where the Yoast plugin is the one blocking the content. I had to ditch their Local SEO plugin because the categories were showing up empty and they did admit to a bug on their code. This has been almost a year ago and they still have not fixed it.

    I have created my very own local markup via GTM and dropped their plugin. My suggestion here is to also add a ticket to Yoast as they just updated their code for the 404 pages.

    Hope this helps.





    Thank you for providing the solution.
    Yes, we are working to get some things shorted out – so do allow us some time :)

    Best regards,

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