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  • #29064


    first of all sorry for my english.

    I want to make a menu like this:

    – Our Service

    – Service 1

    – Service 2

    – Service 3

    I Don’t want “Our Service” links to a specific Page and I like cursor is set to default. For example like “Das sind wir” voice in this site http://www.happybeagle.de/a-wurf/

    I can’t figure out how I can do it, any suggestions?

    THX a Lot.



    Hi Daniele,

    Please add following code to custom.css file or in Quick CSS section in Enfold theme options page under Styling

    .social_header #header_main .container, .social_header .main_menu ul:first-child > li a { cursor: default!important; }

    You can add menu item as shown with # to make it not to link to any specific page



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