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  • #1448684


    Im hoping to switch our site over to the enfold theme and editor. Can you let me know if this is possible please?

    Will it break the current live site?

    Any guidance would be great.


    Hey Jey,
    Thanks for reaching out and glad to hear that you are using Enfold for one of your other sites and have some experience with it, this will make converting your new site over easier, but unfortunately you will need to recreate your pages with Enfold since Enfold can not automatically convert your pages.
    I recommend creating a staging site of your new site so while you work on this your site will still be live.
    Most cPanel webhosts have a staging site option, some in the dashboard:
    Others add the option in the Softaculous WordPress Management
    There may be other staging site options in different cPanel servers, these are the two that I have seen.
    Then all of your posts will be available for Enfold, and you should only need to recreate your pages using Enfold elements, it looks like most of your pages are using the same layout with different images and text, so you could create one template and save as a template in the Advanced Layout Builder (ALB)
    Enfold Support 6048
    to reuse on each page, then change the images & text.

    Best regards,

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