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  • #1400286

    Hello Enfold Team,

    Google is reporting a mobile CLS score of 0.414 which is really hurting my overall score. According to PageSpeed Insights, the items listed below are the main issues.

    Can you please help me resolve them? I provided site login credentials in the private content window.

    <div id=”av_section_3″ class=”avia-section av-ledm9ur0-907fc64b3e7fa413ee17c26cd4072093 main_color avia-…”>

    Mobile Banner for nTECHgrate website design

    All-Inclusive Website Design
    <div class=”flex_column av-le7pzwk4-34f1708092649897eabbd815011f9a9c av_one_full avia…”>

    At nTECHgrate [in-ti-great!], we take a very different approach to the website …
    <div class=”flex_column av-ledns40d-b443168af3db799a349fc3b78b0f5dac av_one_full avia…”>

    div#main > div#av_section_1 > div.av-section-color-overlay-wrap > a.scroll-down-link


    Hey James,

    Thank you for the inquiry.

    We are not able to access the site because it is asking for a 2FA. Is there a moving or animating elements in the reported section? Layout shifts usually occurs if there are moving elements in the page which readjust other elements. Did you add any custom scripts or elements in the section?

    Best regards,


    Hi Ismael,

    Sorry, I forgot to disable 2FA temporarily, but it is now. To answer your questions, yes, I did have some animations in one of the reported fields but I turned it off after reading other threads on this topic. However, this has not improved my score. As for your custom script question, the answer there is no.

    Again any help or insight you can provide is greatly appreciated.




    According to the speed tool, the layout shift occurs because of the banner image (Desktop Banner for nTECHgrate). Have you tried disabling lazy loading?

    Best regards,


    Yes, I did this, but it didn’t make a difference.

    Of note, google is also flagging my first text field.



    Thank you for the update.

    We don’t really see any animations in the banner and the text field, so the only thing that could cause the layout shift in this case is the lazy loading. Did you disable lazy loading from the Enfold > Responsive Images And Lazy Loading > Lazy Loading option? You may also need to toggle or temporarily disable the Enfold > Performance > File Compression settings afterwards, and make sure to purge the cache.

    Best regards,


    I’m sorry I never closed the loop on this. Please close the thread.

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