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  • #1265057

    Pagespeed is warning me that i have Cumulative Layout Shift on my related post on mobile.
    <div class=”related_posts clearfix av-related-style-full”>
    Any ideia how to solve this?



    Hey Rafael,

    Thank you for the inquiry.

    The layout shift might be caused by the Facebook comment field above the related posts section, which is dynamically inserted on page load. Does the layout shift warning occur when the comment plugin disabled?

    Best regards,


    Thanks for the answer.
    But unfortunately itsn t the reason for the CLS.
    I did a stage where I disabled the Facebook wiget and also all the advertising on the site
    But we still have a very high CLS.

    Talvez você goste dos artigos Rafaella Justus mostra a sua volta às aulas pres…
    <div class=”related_posts clearfix av-related-style-full”>

    And this page:
    doesnt have a related posts widget, it also hasn’t have issue with CLS

    Any other ideas?



    I think the issue was with my critical css, disabling solved the CLS, but now I have a problem with render-blocking :/



    Thank you for the info.

    Have you tried using a different cache and/or minification plugins? Sometimes trying different combinations of plugins or extensions and of their settings fix these kind of issues.

    Best regards,

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