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  • #267496

    this is the issue I am having…as I have said before, styling changes are not making it through to the site and even after deleting the dynamic_avia folder changes are not flowing through to the theme…

    Unless I am misunderstanding a color family specified in general styling should apply on a menu and should propagate to most of the interface objects and text appropriately. THIS IS NOT HAPPENING…and its not just for me several other people I recommended enfold to are having the same issue and can not get the general styling to reflect though a site. I do not want to make all sorts of manual overrides to css if at all possible.

    in the below image…I have chosen the black and white color scheme…and as you can see from the screenshot the cyan belongs nowhere in that schema.

    If I change to Orange Color Schema…nothing happens at all…and I still have the same whacky strong text formatting

    As I indicated…I know THREE people unable to get styling to work properly…


    First thing that comes to my mind is the web browser cache.

    Since i did not see any additions in the enfold.css, i thought about the file permissions.

    So please check those two things and confirm that:

    • You bypass or deactivate the browser cache.
    • The file permissions are set as followed:
      /wp-content/uploads/dynamic_avia/ 755
      /wp-content/uploads/dynamic_avia/enfold.css 644

    You also can create a temp account for the support so they can log in and test it themselves.
    You should post the login as a private reply so that only the support can see it.


    Flikk…thanks for the reply…

    I am using safari with developer mode and cache disabled… So the cache was my first inclination too but can not be it…

    Is there some sort of corruption possible in enfolds release of the last week or so or with my install…. Or a conflict with the current version of word press… I just upgraded today…

    The help and feedback is much appreciated and enfold is a truely awesome theme



    What information credentials do I need to give for the support team? wp admin user and password? or site use and password too?

    BTW here is a video of the issue live…


    funny thing is that the fonts are changing…but none of the colors are changing


    what do i see there in the video? “SuperCacher”?
    Sounds like a wordpress cache plugin. is that dissabled aswell? if you’re on it, dissable all the other plugins as well.


    Yes it looks like there is a supercache plugin…

    you have eagle eyes :-)


    seems like the hosting service…has it running by default


    that was is – the host is running super cache and SG Cache was default for wordpress


    So as a heads up – all of the people that I am directly aware of who have been having this issue are on siteground…and supercache is enabled as well as SGCache in wordpress

    Thanks for your help Flikk



    Glad @flikk could help! Let us know if you have any other questions or issues :)


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