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  • #458862

    In the main menu of the site, we would like the first drop down submenu to have the links display side by side (float/inline) instead of stacking vertically.

    These list menu items are children of li#menu-item-161. So I tried doing this and it didn’t work

    li#menu-item-161 ul li {display: inline; float: left;}

    There probably is a different css selector taking precedence. I am struggling to figure out which one it is. Any ideas?

    • This topic was modified 9 years, 9 months ago by hmsvictory.

    I should add that it only needs to apply in full-screen mode, when the mobile menu kicks in, those properties will cause problems.



    Could you provide us with a link to the site in question so that we can take a closer look please?


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    The first CSS you posted should work, maybe you can add !important after the first argument and skip the float argument. Also, try to add this since the default setting is for the list items to take up 100% of the width:

    .av-main-nav ul li {
      width: auto !important;


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    Ok, I’ll keep the thread open if you should change your mind :)

    Best regards,

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