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  • #963925


    Can someone please help me with my responsive CSS.
    I appear to be having an issue Chrome. Font size for the grey tag line above menu appears to increase at about 1250px wide.
    This doesn’t happen in FireFox and looks correct there. Any ideas?
    Should my responsive CSS be written differently for Chrome.
    Link to site etc in PM


    Hey LesleyJean,

    It disappears on my end at 1200 pixels, is that correct or not?

    Best regards,


    Hello. Yes at the moment it DOES disappear. I initially wanted the tagline simply a couple point sizes smaller at about 1200px but since what I was seeing wasn’t correct ( it jumps up a size then shrinks back down before disappearing) in Chrome I just settled and made it all 18px. My main goal was to be able to have specific responsive sizes set in place for Chrome so I could better customize the look on various sites on various devices.

    Are there separate @media query classes that should be used for viewing on Chrome vs Firefox? This will be useful as we really like the enfold theme and purchase it for all of our websites. Not certain if this “how to/cheat sheet” already exists and is available somewhere. Would love the ability to drill down to specify styles at different views points as needed for all of our sites.



    Thanks for the feedback. There are no media queries, but there are classes you can use, these are placed in the body tag:


    Best regards,

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