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  • #471935

    Hey there. My special heading, headline rotator, and custom HTML elements are not showing on the homepage of my website using HTTPS.

    The elements are not showing over HTTPS because they are not secure, but I have forced the page to load HTTPS using the WordPress HTTPS plugin and have installed the Cloudflare plugin to fix the mixed content issue – but still they are not showing.

    Can you please help me as soon as possible?


    Hi marcellettim!

    which plugin exactly are you using? maybe this one would be better for you:

    Hope this helps.



    Still not working. 1) homepage image is not responsive 2) rotating headline and html buttons are not showing on Chrome. This is a mixed content issue. How do I go into the theme and change the links to these items to HTTPS?


    Was using WordPress HTTPS plugin before.



    Please do add the following, into your .htaccess file

    <IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteCond %{SERVER_PORT} 80 
    RewriteRule ^(.*)$$1 [R,L]

    Let me please know if that solved the issue for u.



    The screenshot shows where I pasted the code.


    I actually changed “” to my own URL and even tried both HTTP and HTTPS but still getting the error. Is there another place in the file I need to paste it into? Maybe I should talk to a level 2 tech?


    Can’t get my site back up now!



    Did you create a backup of the .htaccess file before editing it? Please ask your hosting provider to restore the site from a backup.

    I checked the site and html markup of the section is quite different from usual. Did you add any html tags inside a text or code block? Please check if they are closed properly. If you add this in the Quick CSS field, you’ll see the invisible sections:

    .js_active .av-minimum-height .container {
      opacity: 1 !important;



    I can’t afford to email you back and forth for 2 weeks and wait for this to be fixed. I need someone with more experience to get involved!

    Nothing you have told me is working! Chrome is still not showing my slider elements.



    I’m not sure on what pages the elements you are having problems with are but the front page look good on my end using latest version of Chrome: Not sure what you are referring to when asking for level 2 support, this is the only level right here.


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