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  • #732113

    I am using Enfold with a childtheme on this site: http://www.aseal.nl/bezoek-ons/openingsuren/
    A lot is done in the style.css of the childtheme.

    Recently I installed WPML. It look like every language gets it’s own extra stylesheet which brakes the backgrounds mainly.
    Like on http://www.aseal.nl/bezoek-ons/openingsuren/?lang=de
    The CSS for the background image:
    html {
    background-color: #004d66;
    background: url(http://www.aseal.nl/cms2015/wp-content/themes/aseal/images/bg-sea.jpg);
    background-attachment: fixed;
    background-size: cover;
    background-repeat: no-repeat;
    is still there but a new stylesheet makes it this:
    html, #scroll-top-link {
    background-color: #016e9d;
    The stylesheets url is http://www.aseal.nl/bezoek-ons/openingsuren/?lang=de
    So generated by WPML I guess?

    How can I turn this of and make sure the website uses the CSS from style.css in the childtheme?

    Thanks a lot in advance,


    Hey Ariane,

    Could you try adding your Quick CSS code to each language to see if that works?

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard,

    I have 518 lines of CSS in style.css of my child theme, do you want me to paste them into the Quick CSS?

    I can’t imagine nobody else has this problem, why do I have extra CSS styling when installing WPML? Is there no other way you can help?



    I did copy all 518 lines in the German Quick CSS but no change.

    The weird thing is, it doesn’t happen on al pages, if you look at this one:
    In Dutch, German, English:


    You see the background is visible on al three pages. However, this page: http://www.aseal.nl/bezoek-ons/openingsuren/?lang=de stays without background image…

    Cheers, Ariane

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 1 month ago by ariane1001.

    After refreshing a couple of times it is working, but this means all CSS need to be in the Custom CSS area of the theme and the stylesheet in de Child theme is not read under different languages…

    Is there something we can do about this?

    thanks, Ariane



    The style.css file is working. I found one of the css declarations which is being applied properly in the frontend.

    body {
        background: transparent url(https://www.aseal.nl/cms2015/wp-content/themes/aseal/images/bg-seal.png) no-repeat fixed right 30%;

    Best regards,

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