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  • #1442307

    My website has been slow lately and cannot pass Google’s core web vitals test. Currently I am using host server’s optimization tool, and this is the slowest file.

    I am assuming that this is large because of the “the extensive CSS content on my site.” However, because I knew that Enfold is slow, I only use a couple of features within Avia Layout builder like gallery, buttons, magazine and occasional video. I enable lazy loading, disable animation, use “load upon access” for the video. I have no customized features. I don’t know that else I can do to make my CSS content smaller. Why is Enfold CSS content so large? As I don’t use most of the features anyway to improve speed, is there any way I can exclude CSS I don’t use?

    Also, it was my understanding that I should disable features on Enfold’s “Website Performance And Optimization” when I use a third party performance optimizer. (which is what I do now) Currently, CSS File Merging And Compression, Javascript File Merging And Compression among other features are disabled on Enfold.
    But as I cannot speed up my site, I wonder if I should enable some of these features. Please let me know.


    have you tried the test the other way round?
    disable siteground optimizer and activate “use minified …”

    Clear all cachings before you deactivate siteground optimizer – i think that tool comes with a caching addon.

    merge all css an js means – combine all css and js in one file each. I guess that this is what a lot of optimization tools do too.
    Now Enfold offers the usage of minified Versions of their core files. That seems to be a better way. Especially for TTBF (time to first byte)


    Thank you!

    I I tried it with no luck.
    I finally decided to switch back to WP Rocket, and I think it solved my problem.
    WP Rocket uses “remove unused CSS” and “Load Java Script deferred” to avoid render-blocking delays and I think it’s working better than consolidating files or minifications.
    I still wonder if Avia layout builder offers too many functions. I wish if there was a layout builder “lite,” which only has minimum options.

    Anyway thank you for your insights. This case can be closed now.



    Glad to know that the issue has been resolved. To optimize page loading by only including elements that are actually used, you can adjust the Enfold > Performance > Disable Template Builder Elements > Disabling Of Template Builder Elements settings. If you have more questions, please don’t hesitate to open a new thread.

    Have a nice day.

    Best regards,

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