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  • #505076

    Dear Team,

    On one of our pages, bits of custom CSS code are showing up in our Google search results. Can you please take a look at the attached screenshot and private content and get this sorted out?

    The page is only our reply when someone contacts us through the contact form; it only has one line of text and actually shouldn’t showing up in Google searches at all…



    Hey entrepreneur41!

    Perhaps it crawled your site when you had another theme activated. Use the google webmaster tools and have it re-crawl the page.

    Also make sure that you paste code into the text editor instead of the visual editor.



    I’ve never had another theme activated…
    The code is entered in the Quick CSS box.

    Any other ideas?



    Please use this plugin to specify the meta tags (description, title, robots etc) of the pages:

    You might need to ask google to recrawl the url or wait for a few days before google re-update the page info:

    Best regards,

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