None of my css changes are showing up. I originally thought because I was using a Child Theme that was the issue so I switched to the regular theme and I’m still having the same issue.
Here are the details…
1. No changes done in the Quick CSS or on the custom.css are showing up on the site.
2. I’ve changed the background color in the Styling tab and its not taking either.
3. Hosting is through DreamHost and Page Speed Optimization is turned off.
4. The folder and contents of dynamic_avia in the Uploads folder are set at 755.
5. This is a fresh WordPress install so no plugins have been installed.
I’m officially running a day behind on this project because of this issue so any help would be appreciated.
First change the permissions on the dynamic_avia folder to 777 and the css file inside as well.
Next, Contact DreamHost again and just double check that they have no caching set up on servers.
Finally, try going to the WordPress Appearances>Editor and editing the style.css file of your child theme directly through the WordPress editor. If you that css is still not showing up then there could be an issue with WordPress itself. So try switching to one of the default themes and once again try going to the Appearances>Editor and modifying the style.css of whatever theme is active to see if the changes are reflected on the live site.
Thanks Devin.
I followed all these steps and its happening with each and every theme which leads me to believe its DreamHost.