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  • #169281

    Dear all,
    a very generic question how to use the template.
    Most of the time I have content that is organized hierarchical by region and subregion, e.g.
    a) Toscana
    – a1 Florence
    – a2 Pisa
    – a3 Siena
    – …
    b) Bretagne
    – b1…

    I want to have an article
    with some subpages like


    Those pages should somewhat be capsuled within the region.

    And of course the navigation should also be possible in a hierarchical way
    a) top navigation on landing page is about the regions
    – toscana
    – bretagne
    – …
    b) within the regions (toscana / bretagne,…) of course the users should just have the possibility to navigate within the regions cities (florence, pisa, …) and up the hierarchy

    What usage of the enfold-template would you suggest to implement a site like that?

    Thank you very much in advance!

    • This topic was modified 11 years, 4 months ago by astrosoft.

    Hello astrosoft!

    Hierarchical taxonomies is the way to go, WordPress categories are hierarchical by itself.

    Best regards,


    Hi Josue,

    thanx for the tipp.
    And how can I handle the navigation in the subcategories “News” automatically so that users feel “separated” and just can see the other news topics?
    If I am in the categorie news I do not want to see “Images” and “Uncategorized” but just a hint to the top site (landing page).

    Thank you very much in advance!


    Hi Achim!

    You could create different Menus for each category and then using a plugin like this one, embed them in the pages you want (using Widgets).


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