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  • #1406522

    Hi there,
    Does anyone know of an easy way to create a 2nd footer area, above the default Enfold footer?
    I saw this thread from a few years back, but it looks a bit complicated;

    I have three embed codes (used for pulling in reviews) that I would like to add to every page.
    (I realise I could add them to each page using a template, but I would rather add them to every page automatically to save doing this.)

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.


    a second footer widget area is complex to get.

    Here is the substitute for footer.php on the basis of enfold 5.6 – you can upload it to your child-theme root directory:

    that is for child-theme functions.php:

    /***** insert the options dialog to Enfold Footer segment. Just after the other footer_columns ****/
    function my_avf_option_page_data_add_elements( array $avia_elements = array() ){
      $slug = 'footer';
      $id = 'footer_columns';
      $new_element =  array(
      "slug"  => "footer",
      "name"  => __("Footer Columns Two", 'avia_framework'),
      "desc"  => __("How many columns should be displayed in your second footer", 'avia_framework'),
      "id"  => "footer_two_columns",
      "required"  => array( 'display_widgets_socket', '{contains_array}all;nosocket' ),
      "type"  => "select",
      "std"   => "4",
      "subtype" => array(
        __('1', 'avia_framework') =>'1',
        __('2', 'avia_framework') =>'2',
        __('3', 'avia_framework') =>'3',
        __('4', 'avia_framework') =>'4',
        __('5', 'avia_framework') =>'5',
        __('6', 'avia_framework') =>'6')
      $found = false;
      $index = 0;
      foreach( $avia_elements as $key => $element ){
        if( isset( $element['id'] ) &&  ( $element['id'] == $id ) && isset( $element['slug'] ) && ( $element['slug'] == $slug ) ) { 
          $found = true;
      if(! $found ){ 
        $avia_elements[] = $new_element;
      else {
        $avia_elements = array_merge( array_slice( $avia_elements, 0, $index ), array( $new_element ), array_slice( $avia_elements, $index ));
      return $avia_elements;
    add_filter( 'avf_option_page_data_init', 'my_avf_option_page_data_add_elements', 10, 1 );
    /*** Register new footer widget areas */
    function footer_two_widgets_init() {
      $footer_two_columns = avia_get_option( 'footer_two_columns', '6' );
      for ($i = 1; $i <= $footer_two_columns; $i++){
          'name' => 'Second-Footer-Column '.$i,
          'before_widget' => '<section id="%1$s" class="widget clearfix %2$s">', 
          'after_widget' => '<span class="seperator extralight-border"></span></section>', 
          'before_title' => '<h3 class="widgettitle">', 
          'after_title' => '</h3>', 
    add_action( 'widgets_init', 'footer_two_widgets_init' );

    some css :

    #footer .container > div {
        display: flex;
        flex-flow: row wrap;
        align-items: stretch;
    #second-column-row {
      position: relative;
      margin-top: 10px;


    But maybe there are different approaches to achieve what you want – so describe a bit more what you want to do:


    Try adding this code to the end of your child theme functions.php file in Appearance ▸ Editor:

    function avia_above_footer(){
    dynamic_sidebar( 'abovefooter' );

    Then go to WordPress ▸ Appearance ▸ Widgets ▸ Custom Widget Area and create a new widget abovefooter and add your widgets.
    By default each widget will have 100% width and no specific background color, you can adjust this with css.
    Another option would be to use a page as a footer in the theme options Enfold Theme Options ▸ Footer ▸ Default Footer & Socket Settings and then create your custom footer using the Enfold elements.

    Best regards,

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