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  • #1226198

    Hi – I’ve just taken my page live and have a couple of issues – they seem to be SCC issues, but I cannot really see where they are controlled….

    Hoping to get some guidance ;-)

    1. My add to cart buttons on the category pages are not the same as those on the product pages – the product page buttons with the red background are what I would like across all pages

    2. My € currency symbol is set to display : none…. I want it to display, but this seems to be in a dynamic CSS file… IU want it to display – and to the left of the price value… where should I set that.

    This is a site I have inherited, and there have been a multitude of strange settings – I guess every developer has their own way of doing things – I would rather get good advice on how to fix these issues rather than put some tape over a patch on top of a piece of blu tac…..

    Thanks for the help



    OK – So I made a few changes to the css and managed to get the € sign to show – then I tried a small change to the theme settings and when I refreshed all my changes had gone – I’m assuming because I made the changes to a dynamic css file – which I suspect got rebuilt each time I made a change – so I’m struggling to see how to make a permanent change…. I can’t find anything in the back end which styles any of this….



    1- Please try adding this code to the Quick CSS section under Enfold > General Styling or to your child theme’s style.css file:

    CSS Snippet:

    #top .avia_cart_buttons .button {
        padding: 15px;
        background-color: #970000 !important;
        color: #ffffff !important;

    2- Please delete following code from your custom CSS

    .woocommerce-Price-currencySymbol {
        display: none !important;

    If you need assistance, please create temporary admin logins and post them here privately :)

    Best regards,


    Thanks for the reply… I’ve tried editing the child css file – but the changes are not taking – I’d appreciate if you could take al ook – there are three things I’m trying to fix…

    1- the add to car buttons on the cateogry pages – these are b&w and I want them the same as those on the individual product pages

    2- the cart icon doesn’t need the MI CARRITO text – it just gets in the way

    3 – the € symbol should be to the left of the price and a similar size – 24px

    Thanks for the help – there seem to be all kinds of css rules conflicting with each other…



    Login credentials did not work for me. Please check them once again :)

    Best regards,


    Ooops – my bad – sorry….



    Changes are done except for “MI CARRITO” text. I cannot see it. Could you please post a screenshot and show the changes you would like to make?



    Hi – it looks like the change I made has taken effect…. there was text on the cart icon – the icon only appears once you add something to the cart – it’s now working as I wanted – thank you very much for the prompt attention – I shall now go and try and learn from what you did!



    There was a CSS error in Style.css file, an extra “!important;”. I deleted it and that should have made your custom CSS work. In case you experience such issues, you can check your CSS for errors using – :)

    Let us know if you have any other questions or issues!

    Best regards,


    Much appreciated!

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