Hi there,
we are using the enfold-gym and have problems with the size of the blog images and the linked preview fotos of the blog post. We tried several options now, but we either get a good scaled preview foto with a pixeld foto within the blog or a preview foto (which is has been cut) and a good blog foto.
Which size do you recommend for the big blog posts fotos, so that they also scale correctly at the preview foto of the blogpost?
Thanks so much!
Hey Technikzentrum,
Could you please give us a link to your website, we need more context to be able to help you.
Can you post a few screenshots of the images that do not work for you?
Best regards,
Hi Vicotoria,
thanks for your support. Please check my links…
Try the plugin here
and change the images on the behavior you prefer them to be.
Do let us know if that works out for you.
Best regards,