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  • #996562


    I have a Plugin which uses Posts for its content. So I can only use shortcodes to design the posts of this Plugin. When I create regular Blog Posts I can use the Advanced Layout Editor from Enfold / Avia.
    Now my question – could I design the Layout in a Blog Post and then Copy the Code of the Post to my Plugin Posts?
    I tried to do this – I created a new blog post, added content and Layout Sections, saved the post and switched back to the regular Editor and looked in the Text Tab – but there I only see a blank page.
    Any idea how I could copy the Advanced Editor Shortcodes of a full post ?



    Hey frawer,

    Yes, you could use the “Debug Mode” to copy/paste the Advanced Editor code to posts or vice versa.

    1) Activate the debug mode: https://kriesi.at/documentation/enfold/intro-to-advanced-layout-builder/#debug-mode

    2) You should now see a new field under the Advanced Layout Builder with the live output of the elements as you add them using the drag and drop interface. Just be careful of editing things in that field as there are no checks or automatic corrections for missing punctuation or code.

    3) Copy the entire code from this debug field (i.e. to the clipboard) and paste it into the post editor. Of course you can also copy shortcodes from the post editor to the debug field.

    Best regards,



    thanks for the information – I did this like described, downloaded the Child Theme Settings for enfold, installed it and changed the functions.php of the child theme. But the Live Output field is not visible.
    Can you have a look please? I added access in the private content



    Hi Frank,

    I don’t see the login link anywhere. Can you please post it as well?

    Best regards,


    Sorry, See below



    I added the code to the top of functions.php (see link in private content field).

    You should now see the code field below the advanced layout editor – it looks like: https://screenshots.firefox.com/LCN5Ln2UCJ9YY2OG/www.imagingschool.de

    You can paste enfold shortcodes (and only enfold shortcodes!) into it or copy the shortcodes to other posts/pages.

    Best regards,



    Did you copy it to the theme or child theme? As I put this 1. at the end of functions.php – not working. then in the Child Theme where it still is (which is recommended by you I think) and there it was not working too.
    Can we get this in the Child Theme – so its working?
    If yes what did I do wrong.


    • This reply was modified 6 years, 6 months ago by frawer.


    I can’t find any child theme(s) on your server: http://www.clipular.com/posts/4617988649779200?k=iKbTQDMc2qEEFFsI-si3TlD7T9w

    Best regards,


    Thought I installed it. Got the enfold Themes Templates from the krisie.at Server
    If you look at Design / Editor / theme-dateien/ enfold-child
    you see the child theme I installed from the enfold template you offer.



    I could not find a child theme. I now uploaded and activated the default child theme and added the code to the functions.php file.

    Best regards,

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