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  • #1165613

    Hi there. My website uses the Vendor Plugin «WCMP» from WC Marketplace. Now, with the option to activate the DSGVO Cookie Notice Text in ENFOLD

    this text appears in the WCMP Dashboard at the bottom. How can I avoid that? See attachement:

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    How can I hide the Cookie Text in the Dashboard? Text shows outside the ID page-wrapper.


    Hey Stephan,

    Can you give us temporary admin access to your website in the private content box below, so that we can have a closer look?

    Best regards,


    Ok here we go:
    If you login to WCMP Dashboard as a «Vendor» and scroll down to bottom of page, you will find the DSGVO «Cookie Notice» text that comes with ENFOLD, which should not show up there. Unfortunately I could not define any DIV to hide this text.


    Vendor Login


    So there are two incompatibilities/bugs using ENFOLD with the Vendor AddOn WCMP «Multi Vendor Marketplace».
    1. The whole «Cookie Notice» text appears in the bottom of Dashboard
    2. it is not possbile to UPLOAD images when editing or start a new product, adding pictures disabled. The Media window does not open.

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    Changing the theme to «TwentyTwenty» everything works fine as it should. Any ideas?



    Thank you for the inquiry.

    You probably don’t need the consent bar and cookie/privacy tabs when you’re already logged in or inside the plugin’s dashboard, so this css code should help.

    .logged-in #av-consent-extra-info, .logged-in .avia-cookie-content {
        display: none !important;

    The privacy options doesn’t work properly in the plugin’s dashboard because some of the necessary class attributes in the html tag are missing.

    Best regards,


    Unfortunately not working

    .logged-in #av-consent-extra-info, .logged-in .avia-cookie-content {
    display: none !important;

    Any other ideas?



    Did you add the css to the very top of quick css so it runs first? Also, clear the cache a few times over.

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon


    Sure. I use the Plugin «Simple Custom CSS» which adds/overwrite theme CSS. Nothing happens. «Cookie Notice» text still appear in the WCMP dashboard outside / bottom of WCMP content «wrapper» using

    .logged-in #av-consent-extra-info, .logged-in .avia-cookie-content {
    display: none !important;

    I need those classes disapear/display:none OUTSIDE the <div id=”wrapper” class=”wcmp-wrapper”>
    <div class=”avia-cookie-consent”>
    <div id=”av-consent-extra-info” >

    Any ideas?



    Thank you for the update.

    Have you tried adding it in the Quick CSS field or the style.css file? Make sure that the Performance > File Compression setting is disabled.

    Best regards,

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