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  • #1170370

    [av_privacy_cookie_info] is supposed to show the list of cookies which are set.
    So at least it should show this:
    and some theme related cookies more.

    But it does not.
    It says this:
    “No cookies found in this domain”

    So many enfold users have problems with that cookie modal.
    Why dont you fix that?


    PS: Please – dont let Victoria or Jordan answer my threads


    Omg – this so weird ..

    In Chrome:
    “No cookies from this domain

    In Firefox:

    PHPSESSID ( 82a66b5dff86f78334d87a8ca712dc65 ) – Trackt deinen Seitenbesuch
    aviaPrivacyEssentialCookiesEnabled ( true ) – Erlaube das Speichern von notwendigen Cookies, anderen Cookies und die Verwendung von Erweiterungen, wenn diese nicht abgelehnt wurden (Opt-Out)aviaPrivacyGoogleMapsDisabled ( true ) – Google Maps nicht zulassenaviaPrivacyGoogleReCaptchaDisabled ( true ) – Google reCaptcha nicht zulassenaviaPrivacyGoogleWebfontsDisabled ( true ) – Google Webfonts nicht zulassenaviaPrivacyMustOptInSetting ( true ) – Einstellungen sind für Nutzer, die Cookies und Erweiterungen zustimmen müssen (Opt-In)aviaPrivacyRefuseCookiesHideBar ( true ) – Bei weiteren Seitenaufrufen die Cookie-Bar ausblenden und Cookies verweigern, die nicht erlaubt wurden – aviaPrivacyEssentialCookiesEnabled muss gesetzt seinaviaPrivacyVideoEmbedsDisabled ( true ) – Video-Einbettungen nicht zulassenwordpress_test_cookie ( WP+Cookie+check ) – Unbekannte Verwendungwp-settings-11 ( editor%3Dhtml%26m10%3Do%26m7%3Do%26ngg_show_update_notice196%3D1%26hidetb%3D1%26ed_size%3D543%26wplink%3D1%26posts_list_mode%3Dlist%26libraryContent%3Dbrowse%26align%3Dleft%26imgsize%3Dthumbnail ) – Unbekannte Verwendungwp-settings-time-11 ( 1578159579 ) – Unbekannte VerwendungaviaCookieConsent ( 7ff4260bf2a119ba1df3579f1c898b80||v1.0 ) – Die Benutzung und Speicherung von Cookies wurde akzeptiert. Bei anderen Cookies wurden Einschränkungen festgelegt

    This is so weird because of many things:
    1: “Unbekannte Verwendung” is not allowed. Website owners are obliged to give a clear information what the cookie does
    2: The translation is totaly absurd. This for example suggests that there is an option to disable/enable – but it does not: Google Maps nicht zulassen

    So the shortcode does NOT ALL ALL what it is supposed to.
    Its supposed to just show a list with information and not to confuse or mislead a user

    Meanwhile i removed the shortcode because leaving it there – messy like it is – brings me in severe danger to catch a lawsuit



    This shortcode creates another weird thing:

    The result is a GREEN slider (green symbols that something IS ALREADY enabled).
    Beside the green slider is a text saying: Aktivieren, damit die Nachrichtenleiste dauerhaft ausgeblendet wird und alle Cookies, denen nicht zugestimmt wurde, abgelehnt werden.
    How can you aktivate something that seems to be already activated??

    Again: You say “Activate to...” beside a green slider that indicates that it IS ALREADY activated.
    This is such a mess that using your cookie modal is more dangerous than just having none cookie message at all.



    1- I believe i have explained it to you here –

    “av_privacy_cookie_info” shortcode does not display anything as long as cookies are not accepted. You can go to Enfold theme options > Privacy and Cookies tab and enable “Show reopen badge” so your visitors can always revisit their cookie settings and there they would see cookie info as well.

    If you still think it is not working correctly, please post a link of your website.

    2- You can always change strings using this plugin –

    3- Please post a link where we can see “Green slider” as well.

    Best regards,

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