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  • #1133020

    the cookie consent bar comes all the time, if I press OK or leran more. On every page it comes again.

    • This topic was modified 5 years, 5 months ago by KWiesner.

    Same here after updating to 4.6 :(



    Thank you for using Enfold.

    Users have to accept all cookies first, so you have to add the [av_privacy_allow_cookies] shortcode in the privacy popup modal or the privacy page. You can also set the “Enable cookie consent messages” to the 4th option (Use as a simple message bar only). The dev team is implementing a fix or patch that will enable this automatically if it’s not manually added.

    Best regards,


    Hi Ismael,

    i implemented the Version 4.61.
    Now the consent bar again is shown on every page.
    i dont understand where I have to add the [av_privacy_allow_cookies] shortcode .
    What is the privacy Page??

    And in addition the videos are not shown.!!
    In oder to see the videos I have to check enable permant hiding of consents bar and enable /disable essential site cookies.

    greetings Karl

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 5 months ago by KWiesner.

    Same problem here. I have noticed same weird things after the update of the theme.

    1. The videos were lazy loading and now they just turned into imaged (without play button), but more importantly if you click on the image/video they redirect to Vimeo (our videos are hosted there). Whilst they should play directly from the website.

    2. The cookie bar message has changed it’s lay-out and is popping-up all the time (even when you accept the cookies). I guess we have to wait for the patch Ismael in order to solve this?


    Hi Karl,

    Sorry for the problem. Please try to add the shortcode under Enfold->Privacy and Cookies. Select to show the message bar in the Enable cookie consent messages option, then add the shortcode in the Message box under Cookie Consent Message Bar.

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard,
    how would I implement this fix with the shortcode for a site with two languages? How can I change the text the shortcode inserts?
    Thanks TanSmi



    : Thank you for the inquiry. You can enclosed the custom text inside the privacy shortcode. Example:

    [av_privacy_allow_cookies]My own text here[/av_privacy_allow_cookies]

    If you have further questions, please open a new thread.

    Best regards,

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