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  • #961224

    Hallo liebes Kriesi-Team,
    ich habe Probleme mit der Cookie Consent Message.
    Auf dem Smartphone (auf iOS und Android gestestet) erscheint der Cookie-Hinweis auf jeder Seite – auch wenn ich zuvor auf “Akzeptieren” klicke.

    Manchmal erscheint der Hinweis dann auf ein paar Seiten nicht, aber spätestens wenn ich wieder auf die Startseite gehe, fängt das wieder an mit dem Hinweis.

    Am PC (mit allen gängigen Browsern) ist mit das auch schon aufgefallen, hier ist das Problem aber deutlich seltener.

    Habt ihr eine Idee, was da falsch eingestellt ist?



    Hey flocco21,

    Could you please post in English?
    That way we will be able to help you faster please.

    Thank you very much

    Best regards,


    Hi, I have the same problem.

    We have a DE / EN page. First time i open one of the pages, I have to accept cookies. As long as i stay on same language pages, it works. Bust as soon as I switsch to the other languiage, I have to accept cookies agaibn. Also if i open the side again.
    I already deletet all cookies in the browser, so that is not causing the errors.

    This happens on Smartphone, Desktop, Tablet,…

    Could you help us?



    Yes, you need to accept coockies again, because each language is recognized as a different cookie section,
    That is how the law requires it.

    Best regards,


    Hi, Basilis,

    yes I understand, that every language is different. But every time I switch from German to English or vice versa, the cookie for the other language seems to be deleted.
    As long as I open the German side several times, I once accept cookies and it is ok.
    But whenever I change to another language, I have to accept cookies again.

    Looks like it is caused by WPML and not by Enfold.

    World Relief Germany



    Well, anything would change the Language would change the coockie, because it makes sense to use a different one.

    Best regards,


    how can I have different languages EN/DE for the cookies warning?
    I use Polylang.



    Probably the easiest solution is to use a custom shortcode. Add this code to your child theme functions.php file:

    add_shortcode( 'polylang_cookie_message', 'avia_polylang_cookie_message' );
    function avia_polylang_cookie_message() 
    	$message = 'I agree to the terms and conditions laid out in the <a href="">Privacy Policy</a>';
        	$lang = pll_current_language('locale');
    		switch ($lang)
    			case 'en_GB':
    			$message = 'I agree to the terms and conditions laid out in the <a href="">Privacy Policy</a>';
    			case 'de_DE':
    			$message = 'Durch die Nutzung unserer Angebote erklären Sie sich mit dem Setzen von Cookies einverstanden. Mehr erfahren Sie in unserer <a href="">Datenschutzerklärung</a>.';
    	return $message;

    and replace the message text strings with your custom text (you also need to adjust the privacy page urls). Maybe you also need to change the locale en_GB (i.e. to en_US).

    Then go to Enfold > Theme Options > Privacy and insert this code into the “Provide a message which indicates that your site uses cookies.” settings field:


    Best regards,

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