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  • #1146448

    Hallo zusammen,
    ich möchte gerne den Google Recaptcha Cookie zu den essentiellen Cookies hinzufügen und per Default eingeschaltet haben.
    Dies entspricht der Grundlage von Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. f DSGVO. Der Websitebetreiber hat ein berechtigtes Interesse daran, seine Webangebote vor missbräuchlicher automatisierter Ausspähung und vor SPAM zu schützen.
    Gibt es eine Möglichkeit dies zu ändern?

    Gruß Thomas


    Hey baseman46,

    Possible to post in English? We have done all the updates regarding this law, so if u need further things please provide us your question in English.

    Best regards,



    i am the same questinon. how i can set the Google Recaptcha Cookie as selected essential cookie and the user can not disable? By default all Coockies and Services OFF but only Google Recaptcha Cookie will be ON. The Problem is: if user refuse all settings and coockies, no Form with reCaptcha can be send because “This contact form is deactivated because you refused to accept Google reCaptcha service which is necessary to validate any messages sent by the form.”

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 1 month ago by ideeu.


    : Did you set the Enfold > Privacy & Cookies > Default Cookie Behavior settings to the first option? That option will allow the spam protection to work automatically on page load. Unfortunately, it is the only way to keep the spam protection working even without user consent unless you’re fine editing the theme files manually.

    Best regards,



    yes i know it works with you tip. But i will use “User must accept and must opt in, only essential cookies selected”



    Thank you for the update.

    If you are going to use that option, you will have to modify the enfold\framework\js\conditional_load\avia_google_recaptcha_front.js file, look for this if statement or code around line 57..

    if( ! allow_continue )

    .. and above it, add this code:

    allow_continue = true;

    Please don’t forget to toggle the Performance > File Compression settings after doing the modification.

    Best regards,

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