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  • #1118125

    As a follow up to

    I have blog posts I created using the Avia advanced layout editor.

    These don’t fully show up in the blog feed – just a “read more” button.

    I need to convert them to the default editor.

    If I just click “default editor” nothing shows in the content box.

    What is the right way to convert posts from the advanced layout to the default layout?

    Or is it too late, and I just need to add an excerpt to the advanced layout posts?

    • This topic was modified 5 years, 6 months ago by lmackinnon.

    Hey lmackinnon,

    You can add the excerpts and they will be shown along with the read more button. Or you need to rebuild the posts, copying just the text from the Advanced Layout Builder built posts.

    Best regards,


    Thanks Victoria.

    So there’s a no way to convert them?

    I know some people on your team disagree, but this seems like a really poorly thought through design on someone’s part – perhaps WordPress, perhaps Avia, perhaps Kriesl.

    A better design would:

    1. Have posts made with advanced layout builder show up with intelligent excerpts automatically in the blog
    2. Let people convert them across automatically either by clicking to switch from advanced to default, or by clicking a button to convert.



    It’s not a perfect situation no, the reason for it is that the content created with the Layout Builder is all in shortcode, not plain text. Most premium themes use this method, although it’s changing slowly and we’re planning to completely rebuild our Layout Builder so that it’s not using shortcodes anymore.

    You can copy the content from the Layout Builder, but it will be all in shortcode, so you would have to remove all the shortcodes. It would likely be easier to simply copy the text from the front-end into the default editor.

    Best regards,


    Thanks Rikard

    But if I copy it across to a new post I lose all the SEO from the old one. For example the old posts were published in LI after being published on my blog, and now the LI ones would be “first”.

    Is it right that I can’t create a new blog post at the same place? Or would I create a new one, delete the old one, and then rename the new link slug to be the same as the old one and that would work?


    Hi lmackinnon,

    Why do you need to transition? Maybe it is better from many points to keep things as they are and just add excerpts?

    Best regards,



    the reason is consistency.

    If I’m going to have to switch to the default editor going forward, I’d like them all to look the same in the feed.

    Plus the default posts show images.

    However since the situation is less than ideal I may have to run with excerpts for now. I guess if I’m only showing the 5 latest posts in the blog feed, it’s not a problem for long.



    Thanks for the update and I’m sorry for your problem. We’ll keep this thread open in case you should have any further questions for us.

    Best regards,

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