Tagged: child theme, user role
February 25, 2014 at 11:51 pm #229254
I have 3 theme hacks that I have to update every time you update, perhaps you guys can easily point me in the right direction with them? The first hack adds title tag to the logo- for whatever reason the theme does not add it correctly.
Line 426 to:if($logo = avia_get_option('logo')) { $logo = "<img src='{$logo}' alt='{$alt}' title='{$alt}'/>"; $logo = "<$headline_type class='logo'><a href='".$link."'>".$logo."$sub</a></$headline_type>"; } else { $logo = get_bloginfo('name'); if($use_image) $logo = "<img src='{$use_image}' alt='{$alt}' title='{$alt}'/>"; $logo = "<$headline_type class='logo bg-logo'><a href='".$link."'>".$logo."$sub</a></$headline_type>"; }
I manually added in title='{$alt}’ in both statements to get the title to work.
The second hack is to add text to the cart button, and to hide it with a CSS indent.
Edit config.php in enfold\config-woocommerce\config.php
Line 758$output .= "<a class='cart_dropdown_link' href='".$link."'><span ".av_icon_string('cart')."><span class='hide'>Cart</span></span></a><!--<span class='cart_subtotal'>".$cart_subtotal."</span>-->";
The hide class has my indent/hide code on it.
The last hack is to add customability for visibility to theme menu’s, which I found in your forum here.
Add code to enfold/functions.php
On line 17
if(isset($avia_config[‘use_child_theme_functions_only’])) return;Reference: From <https://kriesi.at/support/topic/enfold-conditional-menu/>
Is there any way to bring this into the child theme functions.php so I can stop hacking the theme?
Thank you guys so much for the help!
February 27, 2014 at 1:25 am #229855Hi Imburr!
Anything that has
preceding the start of the function can be replaced by a child theme. You would need to re-do the setup of the function.The title attribute however I don’t view as needed on a logo. The alt text telling screen readers and the like saying that this is ‘site name’ but the title tends to just aggrivate users since it appears as a tooltip for users who can already plainly see a logo with the identical information.
For #2, you can remove the theme function and then add your own function, something like:
remove_action( 'ava_main_header' , 'avia_woocommerce_cart_dropdown', 10)
then you would duplicate that same function and then add it back in the same way its added in that file (but all in your functions.php file).#3 you add the same thing your child functions.php.
Best regards,
Devin -
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