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  • #1048226

    We get this notification from Google fairly regularly:

    “Search Console has identified that your site is affected by 1 new Mobile Usability related issue. This means that Mobile Usability may be negatively affected in Google Search results. We encourage you to review and consider fixing this issue.

    New issue found:

    Content wider than screen”

    Just wondering is this a common issue and is it something we need to worry about?
    Everything looks fine to me on mobile and nothing looks wider than the screen, tested on multiple devices.


    Did you use the “Live Version Test” for those URLs through Google Search Console?
    If so … does Google also says there is an issue in that Live Test?

    => If not, there is no real problem.

    Then it’s just Google trying to use an old version of your merged CSS file which the bot can’t find at that moment (because it’s replaced by a new one with a different time-stamp-name).
    If you are still worried about that, you can validate every URL with that notification manually:



    Thanks for helping out @cg, much appreciated :-)

    Did you try those suggestions out @jonnyckk?

    Best regards,

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