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  • #1411466

    H have 4 columns set for the content slider showing on desktop.
    On mobile it defaults to 2 columns, BUT this default really squashes the content.

    so I used this code:
    @media only screen and (max-width: 767px) {
    .responsive #top #wrap_all .slide-entry {
    width: 100%;
    margin-left: 0;
    Now I got 1 Column on mobile, but with 2 rows…..I would like to have only 1 row….is this possible?
    pls find the login data in the private content area.
    all the best,


    Hey Stefan,

    Thanks for the login details. Your content seems to be full width already, but you will have to add content which spans the full width in order to test it. I did that for you, and the content spans 100% on mobile. Please check your front page.

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard,
    Thx for looking into it.
    The problem still is, that I only want to have one row for all Content Sliders on mobile. That means no wrapping. Content Slider 1, next Content Slider 2 not below Content Slider 1etc,…. Like the behavior of an <table> on mobile….
    THX in advance



    Thanks for the update. I’m not sure I understand what you are looking to achieve, could you post screenshots highlighting your intentions please?

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard,

    I’ve made 2 screenshots on my mobile, hope that clears things up. So the thing is, on the landing page there should only be 1 slider visible, than you swipe to the next one. right now there is 1 slider and under that, there’s another one. they should all be next to each other.

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    Hope that helps!
    best regards!



    Thanks for the clarification. If you want your content to be in the same slider, then you will have to actually put them in the same slider. There’s no functionality for combining separate sliders into one unfortunately.

    Best regards,



    I would like to have the content divided into multiple sliders instead of just one. However, I want them to be arranged in a single horizontal row, not vertically stacked. On desktop, it looks and works fine that way. But on mobile devices, the sliders are stacked vertically. I want it to be such that I see one image, slide, image 2, slide, image 3, and so on.

    I attached a pic. maybe this helps clear things up:

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    Thanks for the clarification, I think I understand what you are looking to achieve. The problem is that there is no such functionality in the theme by default. The only solution I can think of is that if you hide your current content for mobile, then add a new slider which will only be shown on mobile, then add all your content into that slider.

    Best regards,

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