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  • #682838


    Is there any reason why the content slider does not have a swipe function when on mobile devices. One should think this is a natural addition for any slider for usability purposes.

    If anyone could please assist me in how to add a swipe gesture to the content slider that would be great



    Hi Gavin!

    Please request such feature here –
    We will inform our devs about the request as well.



    Did anyone find a solution to this until an update that includes it is released?



    Please update Enfold to the latest version 4.0.2 – It now does support swipe function :)

    Best regards,


    Hi Yigit,

    Thanks for your speedy reply. Excellent service as always!

    The site (still in development) is using 4.0.2 because I downloaded the update and installed it yesterday.

    It’s the two Content Sliders underneath ‘Latest News’ and ‘Coming Soon’ at the bottom of the index page (link below in Private).

    I can forward access details if required.

    Thank you again for your support.



    Your website does not load on my iphone. Does swipe function not work on your end?

    Best regards,


    No, make sure that you have the trailing slash at the end of the URL…



    Please post us your login credentials (in the “private data” field), so we can take a look at your backend.

    Login credentials include:

    • The URL to the login screen.
    • A valid username (with full administration capabilities).
    • As well as a password for that username.
    • permission to deactivate plugins if necessary.

    Best regards,


    Hi Andy,

    Thanks for getting back to me. Details below in Private as requested.

    Best regards,



    Sorry for the late reply!

    I tried editing your homepage and changed control style to arrows and it worked. We will inform our devs.

    Best regards,


    Ok. Thank you Yigit.

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