I’m designing a website using enfold and i encountered a bug when trying to put content in the tabs section.
The content of the first tab wont fit in, and i can see it overflowing on the second tab. I used a 3 columns layout whitin the tab.
Is that too much?
I’m seeing the bug using a 13″ screen laptop with Chrome but my friend who has a 15″ screen doesnt see it.
If you have any idea of whats wrong here please help.
nobody to help me please???
Thanks for the link though I can’t see your content overflowing on my end, in what browser are you seeing that? Please post a screenshot so that we can see the problem you are having.
Best regards,
its CHrome x Mac OS on a 13″ laptop
here is the screenshot
Hi mestrade,
We cannot see the screenshots this way. Could you upload them to Dropbox or https://imgur.com/upload and give us the links here, please.
Best regards,
Here’s the dropbox link. Thank you: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ds6p68kit34l4ao/Capture%20d%E2%80%99%C3%A9cran%202017-09-18%20%C3%A0%2010.51.38.jpg?dl=0
Thanks for the screenshot, though I can’t reproduce the problem on my end using the exact same setup as you. See private for screenshot.
Could you try opening the page in an incognito window in Chrome to see if you get the same results please?
Best regards,
i cant see your screenshot for some reasons but still having the same issue in private mode
https://www.dropbox.com/s/ycw0m5xtnxzqgkp/Capture%20d%E2%80%99%C3%A9cran%202017-09-23%20%C3%A0%2015.48.03.png?dl=0DROPBOX SCREENSHOT
Thanks for the feedback, though I still can’t reproduce the error you are getting. Did you try on a different computer or network?
Best regards,
i found the bug. My partner put a 1400px wide separator…
It’s fixed now