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  • #1028216


    I’ve recently started playing around with “Composite Products” for my WordPress installation. Unfortunately, when selecting different options ( = loading new content / reloading content), many of the dynamic elements from Enfold won’t load.

    For example:
    On the default option (Processor), the bars initially work when the page is loaded. When another option is selected, the bars don’t load. They also don’t load if re-selecting the default (8700K) option.
    The same goes for the styling of the + & – buttons.

    I’ve contacted the developer of Composite products about this and he responded with the following:

    Looking at this, I can only assume that the code that “initializes” those bars only triggers the animation on page load.

    As Composite Products loads new markup when a new selection is made, the bars will need to re-initialized every time new selection details are loaded.

    As an example, here’s how the official Product Add-Ons extension re-initializes its own content when loading a new Component Option in the front-end:

    	$( 'body .component' ).on( 'wc-composite-component-loaded', function() {
    		$( this ).find( '.cart' ).each( function() {
    			wcPaoInitAddonTotals.init( $( this ) );
    		} );
    	} );

    In your case, you’ll need to replace wcPaoInitAddonTotals.init( $( this ) ); with something else, but it’s impossible for our team to know what that “something else” is. That’s a question that only your developer can answer. Composite Products can’t possibly “know” that.

    Is there an (somewhat) easy fix for this?

    See private content for link.


    Hey Xioros,

    Unfortunately, it would require quite some time and customization of the theme to achieve this, so I am sorry to tell you that this is not covered by our support. However, if it’s really important for you to get this done, you can always hire a freelancer to do the job for you :)

    Best regards,


    I’m not asking to customize the theme for me. I’m merely inquiring about the about where to find the proper documentation or at least a direction to start looking.

    In your case, you’ll need to replace wcPaoInitAddonTotals.init( $( this ) ); with something else, but it’s impossible for our team to know what that “something else” is. That’s a question that only your developer can answer.

    These aspects are undocumented. I already have a dev working on it and we’re in the process of solving this issue.


    Hi Xioros,

    Best regards,



    It’s fixed now.


    • This reply was modified 6 years, 3 months ago by Xioros.


    Glad it’s fixed. Mind sharing the solution for other users? Thanks. :)

    Best regards,

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