Dear support team,
My content keeps disappearing when editing and saving a page.
I have checked if there are any open tags in HTML markup, but I can’t find any.
Yesterday, I have been working on this website with no problems whatsoever, and today all heel broke loose.
Please help!!!
Thanks in advance
Thanks for contacting us!
Could you please point out the page where you are having the issue as well? :)
Thanks for the quick reply.
It´s just on the homepage. The other pages are still empty.
I saw that some changes have been made, probably by you?
Sometimes the back-end still shows all of the content, but the front-end deletes almost everything. Very strange…
Other times content will disappear from both the front-end and the back-end
Yes, I switched the profile language to English and now set it back to Dutch.
I checked the elements on your homepage however there does not seem to be any broken HTML as you mentioned and shortcode parser does not show any errors. I tried adding a Special Heading element to the bottom of the page and layout was not broken.
If you have edited the elements on your page recently, it might have been fixed :)
Best regards,
Dear Yigit,
Unfortunately it is not fixed yet.
I reverted the homepage back to how it was 2 days ago, when everything was still working fine.
The page is looking good in the front-end. However, when I start adding or changing only one object, the page deletes almost 80% of its content!