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  • #345687

    Hi, on this site I have it set up

    max cont 80%

    content / side 70 / 30% (I had to set the sidebar to 30% or else the widgets were being squashed, is this normal?

    content + sidebar 100%

    but the content is way in from the left hand side of the container and sidebar is way in from the right of the container.

    How do I get these back to normal margins?


    Hi GOWD!

    Please change “Maximum Container width” in Enfold theme options or increase 80%



    Hi Yigit, that fixed the content margins issue but it only did so by making the container 100%
    I don’t understand why the content margins and margins around the sidebar content were so wide when the container was at less than 100% but when made 100% the margins returned to normal ?



    The default margin or padding of the content and sidebar containers is 50px regardless of the container width. Please try to set the container to 80% or below. We would like to check the issue. A screenshot will help.


    This reply has been marked as private.


    You have this code on Quick CSS or custom.css which breaks the layout:

    .responsive .container {
    max-width: 85%;



    Hi Ismael,

    I searched (ctrl + f) the child theme style sheet and

    .responsive .container {
    max-width: 85%;

    is not there.

    Quick CSS is empty.

    That css is generated by the;

    Theme Options
    General Layout
    Responsive Site – Ticked
    Maximum Container width – 85%
    Content | Sidebar Ratio – 75% | 25%
    Content + Sidebar width – 100%

    The max container width is not supposed to effect content margins like it is doing.



    I see what you mean. It only happens when using a percentage for the maximum container width and the boxed layout. It looks like it’s caused by line 1184 in the /enfold/functions-enfold.php file.

    .responsive .container{ max-width: ".$responsive_size."; }

    I’ll leave this topic open for Ismael to take a look but in the meantime you can do a quick fix with this CSS.

    .responsive .container {
        max-width: 100% !important;

    Best regards,

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by Elliott.

    Hi Elliot, that CSS fixed it.
    I assume it will be amended in the next release.
    You may close this thread.
    Thanks for your help.

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