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  • #1015215

    When I receive an email in my mailbox (Thunderbird), send from my build in contactform, then I see this in my Inbox message tab in Thunderbird:

    (Email address hidden if logged out) < (Email address hidden if logged out) >
    subject: blablabla

    In other words: I do not see the Name of the sender. But I do have a name field in my form! Please see https://www.fotoloek.nl/contact/

    In the email itself everything is okay like this:
    Name: Example
    E-Mail: (Email address hidden if logged out)
    Subject: blablabla
    Message: mesage text is okay

    Because I want to see the subject from the sender in my mail client and not something like “subject=send from your mailform” I have added this code to my function.php file:

    add_filter(‘avf_form_subject’,’avia_change_mail_subject’, 10, 3);
    function avia_change_mail_subject($subject, $new_post, $form_params) {
    $subject = urldecode($new_post[‘3_1’]);
    return $subject;

    I don’t know if this code is causing the issue with the Name field? Anyway; how can I set up the form like this:
    – I want to see the name ocf the sender in the message field of my mail client and not (Email address hidden if logged out) < (Email address hidden if logged out) >
    – I still want to see the subject in my mail client (like it is now thanks to the code in functions.php

    Is this possible?

    Thank you!


    Hey Alwin,

    Please try to add this code to your child theme to show the name of the sender:

    add_filter('avf_form_from', 'avf_form_from_mod', 10, 3);
    function avf_form_from_mod($from, $new_post, $form_params) {
        $email = $from;
        $name = urldecode($new_post['1_1']);
        if($name) $from = $name . " <$email>";
        return $from;

    Best regards,


    Hallo Peter,

    Thank you for your help.

    I have to place this code in my functions.php in my child theme, correct?
    Can I use this together with the code I already placed in functions.php?




    Yes! You can simply insert it at the very bottom of the functions.php.

    Best regards,

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