Tagged: archive, CONTACT FORM, enfold
I just realised that my Contact Form (created with the included Contact Form with the Enfold theme) has not been working for an unknown period of time. I have managed to get it working again using the wp-email-SMPT plugin, but I want to know if there is any way to retrieve emails that were sent via the form and not delivered? There will be some really important stuff in there so I am hoping they are archived in some way and can be retrieved. Very grateful for any support here. Thanks!
Hey bobsleighbob,
Sorry to hear about your problem. The theme doesn’t have functionality for storing any entries that are sent with the contact form element unfortunately.
Best regards,
Hi Rikard,
Do you know if there is any possible way to retrieve those messages? If they are not archived within the theme or wp data in any way is there any other option?
Thanks agian
I’m not sure if they are saved on the server or not, but you would have to ask your hosting provider about that.
Best regards,
No luck there. Do you have any other thoughts on any possible way to retrieve them?
And do you have any idea why the form would have stopped working? It worked before but then stopped. And then the only way I’ve been able to get it to work again is by using the WP SMPT Mail plugin. It won’t work at all natively anymore. I have tried updating PHP on the server end, updating WP theme to latest version. Any other ideas on what might have stopped it from working?
Unfortunately past messages are not stored. For future messages you can try the plugin: WP Mail Logging
Best regards,