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  • #337051

    Hi, I’m having a major problem with the validation on the contact form. If something other than a proper email address is enter, it does not throw an error message nor will the form send. If a proper email is entered the form sends properly. I looked at it in Chrome in the Console and it showed the following message:

    Failed to load resource: net::ERR_CACHE_MISS

    How to fix?


    Website =
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    • This topic was modified 10 years, 4 months ago by dburton77. Reason: adding topic tags

    Hi dburton77!

    the Enfold version you have installed is currently 2.9.2, please update to the newest one.

    Best regards,


    O.K., I’ve updated to the latest version of the theme. However, the form still isn’t validating the email field. What to do?



    I checked your website and invalid forms display red outline just fine –



    You’re right! Works just as advertised. Thanks.

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