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  • #208436

    When I receive an email via our contact form, I’d like to be able to click ‘reply’ and have the user’s email (being collected in the contact form) automatically populated into the recipient field. I’ve done this before when building basic forms, but am not sure how to set this up within Enfold. Can you please help me?

    Thank you.


    Hey Alexa!

    The contact form will use the email address the user entered into the “E-Mail” field of the contact form. If your mail client supports the “Reply” feature it should automatically send the email back to the user email address and you don’t need to modify the theme code.

    Best regards,

    This reply has been marked as private.


    No, please create me an admin account and post the login credentials as private reply. I just tested it with a form on my test server and the recipient field worked with my gmail and ymail account. You must make sure that the email address of the administrator (“Enter the Email address where mails should be delivered to.” option field on the “Edit” page) and the email address you use to test the form are different – otherwise you’ll send an email from your account to your account and then the recipient field won’t work (or actually it doesn’t make sense).

    Best regards,

    This reply has been marked as private.


    I can’t modify the theme files and debug the issue (because I don’t have admin rights) but you can try to use this code to use the email field address as mail sender.

    add_filter('avf_form_from', 'avia_change_from', 10, 3);
    function avia_change_from($from,$new_post,$params){
    $from = $new_post['e-mail_1'];
    return $from;

    – insert the code at the very bottom of functions.php. If it doesn’t work please give me admin rights – otherwise I can’t debug the code.

    Best regards,

    This reply has been marked as private.


    Ah ok. This limitation explains everything because it forces you that the “sender” address is (Email address hidden if logged out) and the contact form can’t use a different email address for the sender. You may try to use smtp: – maybe it allows you to bypass this restriction. If not I recommend to switch to another host or to live with the restriction.




    I have a similar concern as @absmit55. I would like the email generated by the contact form on my website to arrive “from” the customer who’s email address was entered into the email field on the contact form.

    I pasted the code referenced by @Dude above to the end of the functions.php file, but to no avail.

    Here is a copy of the email I received after testing the contact form:

    From:                              WordPress
    Sent:                               Wednesday, June 01, 2016 12:39 PM
    To:                                   Bellevue
    Subject:                          New Message (sent by contact form at The Stor-House Self Storage)
    First Name: Interested
    Last Name:: Customer
    E-Mail:  (Email address hidden if logged out) 
    Phone: xxx-xxx-8250
    Which best describes your needs?: General Inquiry
    How can we help?: This is a test of the Stor-House Broadcast System. This is only a test.

    I would like to be able to select “reply” and direct my reply email to the address in the “E-Mail” form field above. Is there a simple way to do this?


    Hi @storhouse,

    Could you open a new thread and include admin login details in private so that we can have a closer look please?


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